If you don’t have a way to raise large funds consistently—you likely don’t have a reliable way to generate revenue.

The Relationship Fundraising Academy is chock full of trainings for you to learn my exact strategy and blueprint for finding, connecting, and asking  wealthy donors for large gifts—with absolute confidence.

10x your fundraising!

Dive in and learn how to secure large gifts from wealthy donors...even if you have zero fundraising experience.  

Are you spinning your wheels in frustration doing raffles or bake sales?

Plus, you’re spending endless months planning and executing galas or golf tournaments only to secure the same amount of money that you could get from one single donor in a fraction of the time, then you’re in the right place... 

I created the Relationship Fundraising Academy for nonprofit leaders just like you. 

If you are an executive director, development director, board member, or volunteer, this program is for you!


Twist the knife a bit more here, talk about the problem, but then reassure them it's not their fault. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

The Power of Relationship Fundraising

Securing large gifts from wealthy donors isn't just for universities and hospitals.  If you're a small to midsized nonprofit, you can secure gifts that can transform your mission...TODAY!

  • Learn how to find the right donors for your mission
  • Carve out the right amount of time to spend with wealthy donors
  • 10x your fundraising outcomes
  • Move beyond any fear to ask for money
  • Get empowered with the skill and confidence to secure big gifts
  • Teach your board how to leverage their network to get those big gifts

Sign up and get empowered!



Building a Fundraising Foundation with Your Board


Having a strong culture of philanthropy can set the stage for significant fundraising success - both internally and externally.  Internally, your organizations key leaders (ED/CEO, Sr Leadership, Board of Directors) are absolutely critical to your fundraising success. 

But is your board ready?  Are they fully engaged and have they embraced the mission?  What is your board culture like?  These questions and many more will be addressed during this mini - course.  You will know exactly what you need to do so that you can build a strong culture of philanthropy and maximize your board's fundraising potential.

It's yours! - $137

Donor Information Management: Your CRM and Relationship Fundraising


Are you using your Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) system's tools to streamline your work? Or are you just using to process gifts?  

Your CRM is your fundraising program's greatest asset; your fundraising archive.  During this mini-corse, you will learn all the best practices for how to use your CRM effectively to not only process gifts, but to manage relationships with your major donors. You'll learn about the critical components that ever CRM should have to ensure success in relationship fundraising. 

take this course! - $157

Mastering Your Message


Sometimes knowing what to say about your organization and its work isn't always easy.  What do donors want to know?  What's the best way to tell your story? How do I know if it's resonating?

Your organization's story can make or break your fundraising.  You want your story to be compelling enough to encourage giving and detailed enough to convey expertise in the service that you provide to the people you serve.

In relationship fundraising, how you tell your story is just as important as who you tell it to.  This mini-course will take you through the ins and outs of mastering your message so that you are prepared for any audience or major donor.  Master your message and watch the number of big gifts grow!

Slay this! - $137

Your Fundraising Blueprint and Money Mindset


Let's face it.  Asking wealthy people for money to support your mission can feel daunting.  Much of that feeling may come from discomfort or fear of what that person my say or do when you ask for that gift.  That fear is likely due to your personal relationship with money which could be what's standing in your way.  

During this brief training, you will gain the tools to build a strong money mindset by examining your money story and removing any mental barriers.

You will also have the tools to incorporate relationship fundraising into what is likely a busy schedule.  You'll learn how to prioritize your time so that you can spend the time you need with potential donors to grow your mission through philanthropy.

go for it! - $137

The Relationship Fundraising Method


So you know that you need to secure large gifts from people with high capacity.  But you don't know where to begin.  You may be asking yourself; where do I start?  How do I find those wealthy individuals?  And when I do, what do I say?

The Relationship Fundraising Method is a six-step donor-centered strategy that will transform your fundraising.  You will understand where to find those potential donors, how to secure that initial meeting, and how to build a trusting relationship that will lead to big gifts to support your mission.  This training is essential to your fundraising success - a real game changer. 

Grab this game changer! - $187

The Relationship Fundraising Academy - MASTER COURSE

If you want it all, THIS is for you.  This master course gives you everything you need in one place.  You will have access to all of the trainings above for one affordable price.  

You will learn: 

  • How to establish and sustain a strong culture of philanthropy that will transform your organization from the inside out

  • The two basic approaches to fundraising and help you understand how both approaches can assistant your organization in identifying those wealthy prospects 

  • The Relationship Fundraising Method and the 6-step strategy to find and build lasting relationships with generous and passionate donors that will consistently give 5-figure gifts to your organization

  • How to create donor information management system in your database to support your relationship fundraising program

  • Your board’s role in relationship fundraising and how they dramatically improve your philanthropic bottom line without having to even ask for money

  • How to master your message so that you can tell a compelling story about your mission and learn the two “languages” that donors speak so that you can create a message for both “languages”

  • How to incorporate the RFM into your organization and create your fundraising blueprint specifically for your organization based your capacity and staffing design

  • To understand your money story to create the right mindset/mental fitness so that you are comfortable asking wealthy donors for those big gifts


get it all! - $497